Let’s Get Random

Welcome to the inner workings of my brain. Below are a series of creative writing samples taken from my classes.

Mom Water Manifesto

Born from the desire for the “perfect poolside drink” that wasn’t filled with sugar and carbonation, a couple from Indiana, Bryce and Jill Morrison, created Mom Water. This fruit-infused vodka drink got its name when one of their kids grabbed one of Jill’s trial concoctions in a water bottle from the cooler. Shortly after, Bryce suggested they start labeling the bottles, “Mom’s water.”

On the very same day I was trying to convince my mom to try out these drinks (they are phenomenal, in my opinion), we were asked to write a manifesto on a brand of our choice. Also, my mom is my favorite person, so I chose to think of it as fate.

Sympathy for the Devil

For this assignment, we were each assigned a random, oddball headline from a vintage tabloid cover from which we had to write a piece of flash fiction relating to the headline in 500 words or less.

The headline I was given was, “Adam and Eve had a baby!”


Baylor Scott & White Sleep Center